Admin - Designer

Designer is one of the most useful tools when it comes to enhancing the user interface of your installation so that it matches the unique way your organization works. In other words, it makes your own. It is used to customize much of the labeling, layouts, and fields including the following: 

  • Rename modules (the main components of the application – default examples include Leads, Accounts, Opportunities, etc).
  • Add/remove fields from basic (list view) and global (the whole application) searches.
  • Create custom fields that tie in the unique elements of your organization.
  • Modify edit/detail/list view layouts to match how your users should best have information presented to them.
  • Configure the portlets on the home page and how you search within portlets.
  • Configure the screens displayed in popup searches.

To access Designer, click on the little gear icon General-Icon-Pack-1_0037_settings.png at the top right hand side of, and select Designer. You will see the list of available modules to configure:


Each module has three sections you can configure:

  1. General: covers the basics like the module name, search fields displayed etc.
  2. Fields: the fields within each module.
  3. Layouts: how you would like the various views to be displayed to users.



  • Module Name - Singular (lowercase) - To rename the module, enter the new label in all lower caps in singular form. All singular references of the module in the system will be renamed.
  • Module Name - Plural (lowercase) - To rename the module, enter the new label in all lower caps in plural form. All plural references of the module in the system will be renamed.
  • Global and Basic Search Fields - Check off the fields that will be searchable from this module in the global search and basic search. Keep in mind that all fields are available for search in the advanced search of a module.

Additional Settings:

Module-->Accounts and Module-->Contacts

Latest Activity Date Time -This setting allows you to set which module records update the Latest Activity field on the detail view.



Lead Conversion -This setting allows you to determine if the Account record is required on conversion from a lead to a contact.


  • Do not show Account - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a lead, the status will automatically change to a corresponding contact status and the record automatically becomes a contact record (and is no longer a Lead).
  • Account Optional - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a Lead, you will be redirected to a Lead Conversion screen where you have the option to Create a new Account record, Select an existing Account record to link to, or Skip the Account creation and just convert the Lead to a Contact.
  • Account Required - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a Lead, you will be redirected to a Lead Conversion screen where you have the option to Create a new Account record or Select an existing Account record to link to. Forcing users to create Accounts when converting Leads is a good idea if your CRM strategy requires all Contacts to be linked to an Account.


Disable Automatic Probability Mapping - Check this box to disable the probability field from auto populating based on the value of the Stage field. The probability field will need to be manually populated.

Probability Mapping -This setting allows you to set the value populated in the Probability field when you select the Stage. The default values in are typical, but each sales process is different.




In this section, you will see a list of your Custom and Standard Fields. You can modify the settings of some of these fields by clicking the Configure button. You can also create new custom fields by selecting a field type and clicking Configure.



Field Types:

Calculated Number

Creates a formula field that calculates based on other fields. The value is auto calculated based on your formula and cannot be modified in the edit view by users.

Read more about working with calculated numbers.

Check Box Creates a check box field. When checked, the value is true, when unchecked, the value is false.
Currency Creates a field to enter a currency value. The system automatically creates a dropdown of the currency type.
Date Creates a field to enter a date. Includes a button for a calendar popup.
Date Time Creates a field to enter the date and time. Includes a button for a calendar popup as well as sliders for the hour and minute.
Decimal Creates a field to hold a number rounded to a specified decimal precision.
Dependent Pick List

A series of pick lists whose values will change based on the parameters set.
Read more about creating dependent pick lists.

Pick List Creates a field that you can associate with a pick list of values.
Integer Creates a field to specify positive or negative numbers with no decimal places.
Multi-Select Pick List Creates a pick list of values where multiple values can be selected.
Phone Creates a field to enter a phone number.
Radio Pick List Creates a radio button of values for a user to select. Only one value can be selected.
Tag Cloud Similar to a multi-select picklist, except the user will type the values into the field and they will appear as a type ahead for selection.
Text Creates a field for a single line of text.
Text Area Creates a large field for multiple lines of text.
URL Creates a field to store or generate a URL and displays as a link.

Field Options

Depending on the field type you create/configure, you will see different options available:

Field Name The database name of the field. Once a field has been created, the field name cannot be changed. Field names can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and the underscore character.
Display Name The label name of the field as you want it to appear in the user interface. If you have more than one system language enabled, you can enter the display name in the different languages.

For Calculated Number fields.

  • Available fields for use in the formula are listed in the formula table below the Formula box.
    • Field Name - This is the field as it appears in the user interface. This is to help you identify the field you want to use in your formula
    • Formula Name - This is the name that you want to copy and paste into your formula.
    • Can be used in math expression - If Yes, then you can use this field in your math calculation. If no, then the field can solely be used in the formula as a condition. Only currency, decimal, and integer fields can be used in math equations.
  • Create a simple math formula EX: (probability * amount) / 100
  • Create a more advanced formula using the IF statement syntax:  IF(condition; TrueValue; FalseValue)
    • Conditions in the IF statement should be separated by a semi-colon ;
    • Any specific string values in the condition should be surrounded by single quotes '
    • EX:  IF(stage != 'Closed Won', (probability * amount) / 100, amount)
    • IF statement Operators
      • <  Less than
      • >  Greater than
      • ==  Equals
      • !=   Does not Equal
      • <=  Less than or equal to
      • >=  Greater than or equal to
Default Value Specify or select the default value for this field when a record is created.
Minimum Value For Integer fields. Enter the highest value allowed for this field.
Maximum Value For Integer fields. Enter the highest value allowed for this field.
Maximum Length For Phone, Text, and URL fields.  Enter the maximum amount of characters allowed for this field.
Pick List Values

For Pick List, Multi-select Pick List, Radio Pick List, and Tag Cloud fields. These are the available values that will appear for these field types.

  • Type in the value of the pick list, then click the 'Add Item' button to add it to the list.
  • You can remove a value not populated in the system by clicking the garbage can icon on the left of the value name.
  • Click and drag the values to change the ordering in the list as desired.
  • Rename an item in the list at any time. This will change the value in the user interface for all existing records.
Precision For Decimal fields, specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Required Field Check off this box to make the field required when saving a record.
Track Audit Log Check off this box to log when the field is modified on a record. Users can view the audit log by clicking the Audit Trail option on the record detailview.



The layouts section allows you to modify the different default system layouts according to how you would like information to be displayed to your users.


Add/remove fields from the detail and edit views of a record. You can rearrange the order or determine if a field should appear in the detail view only.


  • Panel layout
    • All Panels Visible - If selected, shows all panels and all fields in the record Detail view.
    • First Panel Visible, then 'show more' link - If selected, only the first panel will appear in the record Detail view. A 'show more link' will appear under the first panel that you can click to show the remaining panel and fields.
  • Fields
    • Click and drag fields into the layout. Grayed out fields are already in the layout. Required fields must be placed in the layout.
    • Click and drag the 'Row' or 'Panel' option into the layout to add a new row or panel.
  • Remove a panel, row, or field  
    • To remove a panel, row, or field from the layout, click on the little garbage can icon .
    • Removing a field will free up the row for a new field. The field will re-appear un-grayed in the field section.
    • Removing a row will remove both the row and the field (if populated).
    • Removing a panel will remove all rows and fields contained within it.
  • Re-order panels, rows, or fields
    • To re-order a panel, row, or field in the layout, click on the four sided arrow of the item you want to move and click and drag it to the location you want.
    • Clicking a field over an existing field will replace the one with the other and place the displaced field back at the top.
  • Row columns
    • The default row layout for modules is 1 column of fields.
    • When you add a new row into a panel, it will display with 2 columns.
    • Click the plus   and minus icons to toggle between 1 and 2 columns.
  • Configure Panel
    • To configure a panel, click on the panel gear icon
    • Panel Title - Enter a panel title for display.
    • Detail View Only - If checked, the entire panel and fields will only appear in the detail view.
  • Configure Field
    • To configure a field in the layout, click on the field gear icon
    • Detail View Only - If checked, this field will only appear in the detail view.

When you are done with your changes, click the Save Layout button at the bottom to save.


Click and drag the fields that you want to display in the module list view by default. Drag 'Row' to add a new row and add another field. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows to click and drag the fields in the order you want. 


Click and drag the fields you want to appear in the Mass Update screen from a module list view. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.

All field types can be added to mass update except Calculated Number, Text, Text Area, and URL.


Click and drag the fields you want to appear in the list view of the popup search window. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.

EX: Accounts-->Popup List View: When you click the + button on the Account field in Opportunities Edit view, the popup window that appears shows fields in the list. The fields listed are determined by the Popup List View.



Click and drag the fields you want to be searchable in the Basic search and Advanced search of a popup search window. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.

EX: Accounts-->Popup Search View: When you click the + button on the Account field in Opportunities Edit view, the popup window that appears allows you to search 


For Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Tasks

Click and drag the fields you want to appear as Filters in the configuration popup of the Portlet on the Home page Dashboard. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Tasks

Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Portlet on the Home page Dashboard. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Accounts. Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Create Account section of the Lead Conversion screen when converting a lead. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Contacts and Leads in use with the Data Cleanup feature for cleaning up archived emails. For emails that could not be archived due to an email address that does not match in the system, you have the ability to create a new Lead or Contact record and archive the email to that new record. The fields in the create screen for the new record are those listed in this section. Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Create Account section of the Lead Conversion screen when converting a lead. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Contacts and Leads in use with the Google Apps Contact integration. This is the create screen that appear in Google Apps when wanting to create a new lead or contact in Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Create screen. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Tasks. These are the details that appear on the right hand side in the Collaborate popup of a Task, right under the 'Who is receiving notifications'. Click and drag the fields you want to display. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.


For Tasks. This is the create popup screen that appears when you create a new task in Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Create screen. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.

The related list views are the layouts for the fields that appear in the portlets in a record detail view.  For example, 'Related List View - Opportunities for Contact' regulates the fields that appear in the Opportunity portlet while viewing a contact record in the Contact module..

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