Admin - Customize Lead Conversion

A user with access to Designer can customize the lead conversion process in

Leads vs. Contacts

Leads and Contacts in are technically the same records. The difference between a record appearing in the Leads module versus the Contacts module is the Status field.

By default, a record with any of the following statuses in is considered a Lead/Contact:

Lead Contact

In Progress


How to change status values

You can add/remove status values by going to Designer-->Module-->Contacts-->Fields-->Status

  • To add a new status value, type in the value, then click the 'Add Item' button to add it to the list.
  • You can remove a value that is not populated on a lead or contact record by clicking the garbage can icon on the left of the value name. If a value is in use, you will need to replace existing record values with something else (you can use the mass update feature in the list view for this).
  • You can rename an item in the list at any time. Simply overwrite an existing value. This will change the value in the user interface for all existing records.
  • Click and drag the values to change the ordering in the list as desired. The ordering is also important for the lead vs contact status (see Lead to Contact conversion status section below).
  • Click the Save button when you are done.

Lead vs. Contact status values

When you convert a lead to a contact record, the value of the Status field is automatically updated. The status of the converted contact is determined by the 'Starting Status' field that is located in Designer-->Module-->Contacts-->Fields-->Status.


Leads: All values that appear above the value selected for 'Starting Status' are considered lead status values. These values will appear in the Status field picklist for leads only.

Contacts: The selected value for the 'Starting Status' field is the value that the contact record will have when you convert a lead to a contact. This value and all values below it are considered contact status values. These values will appear in the Status field picklist for contacts only.

Lead conversion and accounts

By default, when converting a lead, you have the option to also create a new account record, link to an existing account record, or to skip creating or linking to an account. You can change this setting by going to Designer-->Module-->Leads. Under the General Tab, there is a field called Lead Conversion -This setting allows you to determine if the Account record is required on conversion from a lead to a contact.


  • Do not show Account - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a lead, the status will automatically change to a corresponding contact status and the record automatically becomes a contact record (and is no longer a Lead).
  • Account Optional - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a Lead, you will be redirected to a Lead Conversion screen where you have the option to Create a new Account record, Select an existing Account record to link to, or Skip the Account creation and just convert the Lead to a Contact.
  • Account Required - If selected, when you click the Convert button on a Lead, you will be redirected to a Lead Conversion screen where you have the option to Create a new Account record or Select an existing Account record to link to. Forcing users to create Accounts when converting Leads is a good idea if your CRM strategy requires all Contacts to be linked to an Account.

How to change the Account fields that appear in the conversion screen

Go to Designer-->Module-->Accounts-->Layouts-->Lead to Account Convert View.  

Click and drag the fields you want to display on the Create Account section of the Lead Conversion screen when converting a lead. Click the garbage can  icon to remove a field from the view. Use the four sided arrows  to click and drag the fields in the order you want.

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