Admin - Job Manager

The Job Manager is located in the admin area under Administration -->Job Manager. Here you can view a list of all scheduled jobs, their status, run history, and also manually force a job to run.


Job Log: Click the blue Job Log button for a pop up window which shows the history of when the job was run.

Last Completed Run: the date and time the job last ran.

Status: the current status of the job.

Run: Click the Run button to manually force the job to run now.


Below is an explanation of each job.

Monitor Job Checks to make sure all other jobs are properly running
Process autoresponder messages Processes autoreponder messages (for use with marketing campaigns)
Generate campaign items Takes existing campaigns that are ready to send and marks them as ready
Mark campaigns as completed Updates the status of campaigns when they are completed
Process campaign messages Takes generated campaign messages and queues up the email messages
Clear Old Sent Notifications Email Job Prunes the database to remove old system notifications from the database
Process Inbound Email Job Processes inbound emails (for use with email archiving)
Process Bounce Email Job Processes bounced emails (for use with marketing campaigns).
Process Outbound Email Job Processes outbound emails (marketing, any outbound emails, system notifications etc)
Testing Outbound Email Connection Job Tests the outbound email connection to ensure settings are correct.
Export Cleanup Job Cleans up old export jobs from the database.
Export Job Processes asynchronous exports - for when an export is too large to export on the spot. User will receive a notification when their export is complete
Import Cleanup Job Removes old temporary import tables from the database
Check if there is newer version available Job Checks your current version of to see if there is a newer version available
Cleanup old job logs Job Prunes the database to remove old job logs
Process by-time workflow rules Processes items in the workflow Time queue
Process workflow messages Processes messages in the workflow Messages queue
Check that workflows are valid Checks to see whether workflow rules are still valid and sends a notification to super admins if workflow rules are no longer valid
Currency Rates Update Job Updates the currency conversion rates
Read Permission Subscription Comprehensive Update Job For use with googleApps and implicitSync integrations (syncing of Google Contacts/Meetings and Outlook Contacts/Meetings). It rebuilds the complete tracking tables for all users.
Read Permission Subscription Quick Update Job For use with googleApps and implicitSync integrations to track information about Contacts and Meetings to know which items are added/deleted, and which items a user has access to.
Address Geocode Update Job Updates the address geocode (for use with google maps)
Outlook/Exchange Integration Check Model Required Attributes For use with Outlook/Exchange integration, this job checks if a new required field has been added via Designer for Contacts/Lead. If so, all super administrators will receive a notification in their inbox alerting them of this issue.
Process Google Web Tracking Gets the data for Google web tracking. Processes data inbound.
Google Apps Check Model Required Attributes For use with Google Apps sync, this job checks if a new required field has been added via Designer for Contacts/Lead. If so, all super administrators will receive a notification in their inbox alerting them of this issue.
Google Apps Update Job Processes the syncing of Meetings and Contacts for Google apps.
Validate License Validates the license key.
Get Contact Enrichment Data From RapLeaf Pulls data from Rapleaf for Contacts/Leads that are modified from Rapleaf to
Retrieve Data on existing Email Addresses from Rapleaf If you were to enable RapLeaf today, this job will look at all your existing contacts and pull data for them based on email address.
Retrieve Data on existing Email Addresses from FullContact If you were to enable FullContact today, this job will look at all your existing contacts and pull data for them based on email address
Get Contact Enrichment Data From FullContact Pulls data from FullContact for Contacts/Leads that are modified from Rapleaf to

Any user that has access to the Job Manager will receive a Notification when there is a job that is stuck.

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