The Job Manager is located in the admin area under Administration -->Job Manager. Here you can view a list of all scheduled jobs, their status, run history, and also manually force a job to run.
Job Log: Click the blue Job Log button for a pop up window which shows the history of when the job was run.
Last Completed Run: the date and time the job last ran.
Status: the current status of the job.
Run: Click the Run button to manually force the job to run now.
Below is an explanation of each job.
Monitor Job | Checks to make sure all other jobs are properly running |
Process autoresponder messages | Processes autoreponder messages (for use with marketing campaigns) |
Generate campaign items | Takes existing campaigns that are ready to send and marks them as ready |
Mark campaigns as completed | Updates the status of campaigns when they are completed |
Process campaign messages | Takes generated campaign messages and queues up the email messages |
Clear Old Sent Notifications Email Job | Prunes the database to remove old system notifications from the database |
Process Inbound Email Job | Processes inbound emails (for use with email archiving) |
Process Bounce Email Job | Processes bounced emails (for use with marketing campaigns). |
Process Outbound Email Job | Processes outbound emails (marketing, any outbound emails, system notifications etc) |
Testing Outbound Email Connection Job | Tests the outbound email connection to ensure settings are correct. |
Export Cleanup Job | Cleans up old export jobs from the database. |
Export Job | Processes asynchronous exports - for when an export is too large to export on the spot. User will receive a notification when their export is complete |
Import Cleanup Job | Removes old temporary import tables from the database |
Check if there is newer version available Job | Checks your current version of to see if there is a newer version available |
Cleanup old job logs Job | Prunes the database to remove old job logs |
Process by-time workflow rules | Processes items in the workflow Time queue |
Process workflow messages | Processes messages in the workflow Messages queue |
Check that workflows are valid | Checks to see whether workflow rules are still valid and sends a notification to super admins if workflow rules are no longer valid |
Currency Rates Update Job | Updates the currency conversion rates |
Read Permission Subscription Comprehensive Update Job | For use with googleApps and implicitSync integrations (syncing of Google Contacts/Meetings and Outlook Contacts/Meetings). It rebuilds the complete tracking tables for all users. |
Read Permission Subscription Quick Update Job | For use with googleApps and implicitSync integrations to track information about Contacts and Meetings to know which items are added/deleted, and which items a user has access to. |
Address Geocode Update Job | Updates the address geocode (for use with google maps) |
Outlook/Exchange Integration Check Model Required Attributes | For use with Outlook/Exchange integration, this job checks if a new required field has been added via Designer for Contacts/Lead. If so, all super administrators will receive a notification in their inbox alerting them of this issue. |
Process Google Web Tracking | Gets the data for Google web tracking. Processes data inbound. |
Google Apps Check Model Required Attributes | For use with Google Apps sync, this job checks if a new required field has been added via Designer for Contacts/Lead. If so, all super administrators will receive a notification in their inbox alerting them of this issue. |
Google Apps Update Job | Processes the syncing of Meetings and Contacts for Google apps. |
Validate License | Validates the license key. |
Get Contact Enrichment Data From RapLeaf | Pulls data from Rapleaf for Contacts/Leads that are modified from Rapleaf to |
Retrieve Data on existing Email Addresses from Rapleaf | If you were to enable RapLeaf today, this job will look at all your existing contacts and pull data for them based on email address. |
Retrieve Data on existing Email Addresses from FullContact | If you were to enable FullContact today, this job will look at all your existing contacts and pull data for them based on email address |
Get Contact Enrichment Data From FullContact | Pulls data from FullContact for Contacts/Leads that are modified from Rapleaf to |
Any user that has access to the Job Manager will receive a Notification when there is a job that is stuck.