
Having lots of data is great, but finding the data you need is what's important. provides a set of tools to help you find what's important and keep it found. Check out some of the features and tips below and become the oracle of all knowledge ...... well, in at least!

Global search

Need it quick? Then your Global Search is your best bet and the first place you will want to go to when searching for important records in  The Global Search is always available in Just click into the search area and begin typing to find the record you want. As you see, the best matches will begin to appear in the list below. 


By default the Global Search will search for key field values like name, email, or phone numbers in Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunities, and Projects modules.  You can also refine which modules the Global Search will target. Just click on the magnifying glass icon on the left of the search box to access the options.  Remember, you can also search for custom field values via Global Search. Just have your admin enable that option for the fields you need in the Designer tool.

All Results

If the record you are searching for does not appear in the dynamic dropdown, then try clicking the All results option.  Now you will see all records that match your search broken down by module. You can also refine your search further should you need to from here.



General-Icon-Pack-2_0040_hot.png HOT TIP!  Use the % wildcard symbol to expand text searches.  For example, searching for B%B%C would return British Broadcasting Corporation and Babylon Assurance because both contain the letters B, B and C in that order.


Basic Search

To keep things simple, each module has its own basic search area where you can perform a quick search on common fields. As you type, will return matching records in the list of records below.  As you can see in the image below, the Basic search area on the Contacts module will allow you to quickly find a contact by Name, Email address, or phone number.  You can add additional custom fields to the basic search within any module via Designer.


The basic search is intended to be used for common searches, but of course you can search for records within a module by any value.  Click the Advanced link to open the Advanced Search area.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search area provides greater control to allow you to find the records you need.  Here you can add multiple search filters, link those filters with OR & AND conditions, and save your search so that it can be easily accessed again in the future in your list of saved searches.  Lets explore each of those options individually:


Load a Saved Search

This dropdown will contain a list of all previously Saved Searches you have created in the module.  Select the Saved Search you want from the dropdown and it will instantly add the search criteria for you.

Add Criteria

The first thing you need to do with any new Advanced Search is select the criteria for your search.  Click the 'Add Criteria' link and then choose the field you wish to add search criteria for.  Once selected, enter the value(s) you wish to filter on to the right.  You can add as many search criteria as you wish, or remove them by clicking the appropriate trash can icon.

Modify Structure

By default all search criteria are linked with an AND condition, but this can be modified to connect search criteria with different AND & OR operators.  To modify the structure of your search, click Modify Structure.  The example below shows the default search operators for a search containing 3 criteria. You will see they are each connected with an AND operator.  In this case the search would only return records where criteria #1 and criteria #2 and criteria #3 are met.


This can be modified for more advanced filtering. In the example below, I have changed the operators to return records where criteria #1 and either criteria #2 or criteria #3 is matched


Tip You must use parenthesis to separate and group different search criteria. The more AND's used will make a search more specific and produce less results. More OR's will create more options for valid criteria and could produce more results. There shouldn't be a need for more than one set of parenthesis. Depending on the situation you could have 1 AND (2 OR 3) AND (4 OR 5) 1 must true, 2 or 3 must be true, 4 or 5 must be true.

Save Search

If this is a search you need to run regularly, then you can save it and reuse it again later.  Click the Save search link and provide a name for your saved search.  When you are done click the save button.

advanced search 2.png


Sometimes you need to see more information in the list of records that are returned from a search.  Your administrator will decide on the default columns that show on any list of records in, but you the user have the final word.  Clicking the Columns option allows any user to change the columns that are displayed in the list results instead of just seeing the defaults.


The Hidden Columns list shows all columns available to add while the Visible Columns shows those that are currently used in the order they should appear.  Columns can be highlighted and moved between Hidden and Visible columns using the Left and Right arrows.  The order of Visible Columns can also be adjusted using the Up and Down arrows.  Once you are happy with your choices click the Apply button.

Tip Columns you select are "Session Sticky" meaning they will continue to show even if you move away from the module and come back.  However the next time you log out or close the browser the columns will revert back to the default options

Starred Favorites

Starring records as a favorite is a useful way to highlight important records and navigate to them quickly.  It's possible to Star any Contact, Lead, Account or Opportunity record from the list view of each module. To star a record as a favorite, simply click the gray star to the left of the record. Once marked as a favorite, the star will show in yellow. 


You can quickly view all your starred Contacts by clicking the Star in the column headers and switch back to view all contacts in the same way.


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