
A Mission is a gamification and collaboration concept that allows co-workers to challenge one another in exchange for a reward. Much of CRM is about unifying all customer facing interactions. Missions encourage people to collaborate across multiple departments in a creative way. Missions are visible to all system users.

Create a new Mission

Missions are accessed from the Inbox in the left hand side menu.To create a new mission, click 'Create Mission' from the Missions button or from the Create button at the top right hand side of the application:


  • Description - Enter a description of the mission at hand.
  • Reward - Enter a brief description of the reward for the user who completes the mission.
  • Due On - Enter the due date of the mission.
  • Attachments - Click the More Details link to add an attachment.

Click Save to save this mission. This mission will now be available to other system users.

Search and take on a Mission

Clicking on the Missions button will show you the list of all available Missions. Missions you have not yet read will appear in bold.


You can filter the missions displayed in the View by clicking one of the three different options:

  • Created - Only display the Missions you created
  • Available - List the available open missions that have not yet been started by another user.
  • My Missions - List the missions you have undertaken.

Click into a mission to view the mission details, comments, reward, and to Start the mission (if available):


In this example, Sally has created this mission, and is offering dinner as a reward for getting a document notarized. We see a thread of comments/questions by other users. You can add your own comment or question about this item by typing into the Add a Comment box and clicking the Comment button. You can also add attachments by clicking the Add Files link.

To take on this mission, click the Start button. When you do this, the mission appears as 'In Progress' to the owner and is no longer visible or open to other users. The mission will now appear in your missions list under My Missions.

As the creator of the mission, Sally will receive a notification in her Inbox whenever another user comments, and when the mission status has changed:


When you complete the mission, click the Complete button:


This task will now appear for you as 'Awaiting Acceptance'. Sally will receive another notification of the status change. She can now choose to Accept or Reject the completed mission:


If she rejects, the mission will appear with a status of 'Rejected' and the mission is now in an open status for you to complete again. If she accepts, the mission is closed out with a status of 'Accepted'. Congratulations, you will now be rewarded with a dinner from Sally!


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