
Conversations is a social concept that allows co-workers to communicate and create a dialog about any internal affairs or around a specific account or opportunity. You can use Conversations in lieu of email for internal communication.

Create a new Conversation

Conversations are accessed from the Inbox in the left hand side menu. To create a new conversation, click 'Create Conversation' from the Conversations button or from the Create button at the top right hand side of the application:



  • Subject - Enter the subject of the conversation.
  • Description - Enter your conversation topic.
  • Participants - To add users to this conversation, simply begin typing their name. Only the creator and participants can add other participants. A type ahead will appear and you can select the user. Click the "x" to remove a user from the conversation. The creator of the conversation cannot be removed.
  • Attachments - Add an attachment (under More Details).
  • Account - Select the related account if this conversation is related to a specific account (under More Details).
  • Opportunity - Select the related opportunity if this conversation is related to a specific opportunity (under More Details).

Click Save to save this conversation. This conversation will now be appear in the CRM for the participants. They will also receive an email alert.

View your Conversations and Comment

Clicking on the Conversations button will show you the list of all Conversations you are a participant in. Conversations with a new comment you have not yet read will appear in bold.


You can filter the conversations displayed in the View by clicking one of the three different options:

  • Created - Only display the Conversations you created
  • Participating In- List the conversations that have you are a participant in.
  • Closed - List the closed conversations you were a participant in.

Click into a conversation to read the conversation details, and to add a comment:


To add a new comment, simply type into the 'Add a Comment' box and click the Comment button. The other participants will be alerted of the new comment.

The status box at the top right shows that this is an open Conversation. To close out the conversation, click the Closed button. To re-open the conversation, click the Open button. Any participant can open or close the conversation.

Any related Accounts or Opportunities will be listed in the box, as well as any attachments.


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