Zapier Setup for

Before anything else!

The connector is not publicly available in the Zapier marketplace, you can however add it here by following the invitation link below:

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This article shows you how to use with Zapiers integration service.  In this article we will explain what Zapier is, how to connect Zapier to and walk-through the creation of a simple Zap.  Please note that Zapier integration is a feature only available with enterprise.

What is Zapier?

Zapier enables you to automate tasks between other online services (services like Salesforce, Basecamp, Gmail, and 241 others).  Imagine capturing Wufoo form leads automatically into for example. The Zapier service lets you automate such simple tasks and get back to real work.

How does it work in a nutshell?

You login to Zapier and created Connected accounts into the applications you want to integrate so that Zapier can talk to both applications.  Then you create a Zap which consists of a Trigger, something that happens in one application, and an Action, what should happen in the other application when the trigger fires.

This article assumes that you have already created a Zapier Account, if you have not done so already then you can create one at

Preparing for Zapier

Zapier authenticates with using OAuth so if this is the first time you are configuring for Zapier you will need to create an OAuth client.  Follow the steps below to create an OAuth client for Zapier, once completed you can reuse the OAuth Client ID and Client Secret that is generated for any user that wishes to set up zaps into your instance.

Creating OAuth Client for Zapier

  1. Login to with an Admin account
  2. Open the Administration area and select the Plugins option
  3. In the Plugins menu select OAuth configuration
  4. Click the Create button
  5. You will be prompted to enter a Client name and Redirect Uri.
    1. Client Name: Enter a friendly name to identify the OAuth client you are creating
    2. Redirect Uri: Paste in the following Uri:
  6. Save your settings and you will be returned to a page showing you your Client ID and Client Secret.  Make a note of these since you will need them to create a connected account to in the next step.

Creating a Connected Account in Zapier

Before connecting to in Zapier you will need a Client ID and Client Secret, if you don't have these then follow the steps above in Preparing for Zapier or contact your administrator.

  1. Login to Zapier
  2. Click the profile dropdown menu and select Connected Accounts
  3. Here you will see a list of all your connected accounts, to add a new one click the Connect New Account dropdown, search for and select
  4. In the Connection box that loads you will be asked to provide the following information.
    • Name – Give a friendly name for your connected account
    • Install URL – The URL of your instance, i.e.
    • OAuth Client Id – Generate this in or ask your admin
    • OAuth Client Secret – Generate this in or ask your admin
  5. Click Continue and Zapier will verify the details you have provided.  If you provided the correct info then you will see the connector created in your list. 

Creating a Zap

We will create an example Zap that will create a new Task in my companies instance ( each time a new task is added to my Google Tasks list.

These steps assume you have already created Account connectors for and Google Tasks.  Only tasks created in the configured Google Tasks account will zap to
  1. Login to Zapier and click on the Dashboard
  2. Click the Create a new Zap button
  3. Select a Trigger Service, we will choose Google Tasks
  4. Select what trigger event in Google Tasks you want to use, we will choose New Task
  5. Select an Action Service, we will choose
  6. Now we must choose an action to perform in, we will choose Create Task
  7. Click the Continue button and select the Google Tasks account you have already configured
  8. Click the Continue button and select the account you have already configured
  9. Filters: if you wish you can add filters to what will trigger the Zap, for this example we will select the predetermined list which tells zapier only to trigger the zap when a task is added to my default google Tasks list.
  10. Next you will be asked to enter details of the Task that should be created in when the Zap runs.  You can enter in default values or choose dynamic values from the Google Task that triggered the zap.
  11. When you are done click Continue
  12. Next you will be asked to Try out your Zap.  Here you can load sample data and click the Send button to verify that your Zap is working.  If everything looks good click Continue
  13. Finally you will be asked to name your Zap.  You can create multiple Zaps to integrate various systems in different ways so you will want to use a name that clearly states what your Zap does.  In the case of example I will call my Zap “New Google Task – Create Task”
  14. Click the Make Zap Live and you are done.

You can find more information about managing your Zaps on the and the Zapier service on their website


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