Workflow Email Templates

If you want to send out an email notification as part of a workflow, you will need to create an Email Template for use with the workflow.

From the Workflow area, select Create Template from the menu.


  • Module: Select the main module that this template will be used with (select the module that you will be using when creating your workflow).
  • Name: Enter a Name for your template that will help you recognize it.
  • Subject: Enter the subject line of the email.
  • Attachments: Add any attachments.

For the body of the email, you can enter Text only and/or HTML. To enter Text only content, click on the Text Content tab and type in the text.

Click on the HTML Content tab to create an HTML email. You can type directly into the box and customize the look and feel using the available buttons, or you can copy existing HTML code using the </> button to view and edit the HTML code of the body.

Use Merge Tags in the body of your email to send a more personalized email. A merge tag pulls dynamic information from the CRM into the email. Add a field from the CRM into the template by using the Field Name (not the display name) of the email within brackets. Click here to view the merge tag guide with merge tags examples for all out of the box fields.


Q. How do I include images in my email alert template?

A. You can attach files to an alert template but in order to embed an image in the body of an email you will need to specify the image source url in the source view template.  You can access the source view of the email template and edit the html direct by editing your template and clicking on the </> button in the toolbar.  For example you may want to include social feed icons in your alerts, here is an example code snippet which displays a twitter icon image held at the url with a link to the CRM twitter page

Ross Peetoom
<a href=""><img src="" alt="follow us on twitter"></a>



Related: Workflow OverviewOn Save WorkflowTime Based Workflow

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