Marketing Administrator Settings

In order for Email Campaigns to be sent from the system, the following must be set up by the administrator of the system:

  • Outbound Email SMTP: This can be set under Administration-->Email Configuration-->Email SMTP Configuration.
  • Campaign Related Jobs: To see if these are currently running, go to Administration-->Job Manager. For hosted instances, please contact support.

Generate campaign items
Process campaign messages
Process Outbound Email Job
Mark campaigns as completed
Process autoresponder messages
Process Bounce Email Job

Additional Settings (Optional):

  • Marketing Configuration: Under Administration-->Marketing Configuration, you can set:
    • : The content entered here will appear at the footer of all autoresponder and campaign plain text emails. By default, an Unsubscribe Link and Manage Subscriptions link is populated.
    • : The content entered here will appear at the footer of all autoresponder and campaign rich text emails. By default, an Unsubscribe Link and Manage Subscriptions link is populated.
    • Autoresponder/Campaign batch size: Read only. The number of emails being sent per batch..
    • Campaign Items creation page size: Read only. The number of items in a campaign that are processed before being queued up to be sent out
  • Bounce Configuration: This can be set under Administration-->Email Configuration-->Bounce Configuration.

If populated, it will track any bounced emails from campaigns.  We recommend that you specify a dedicated email account for this purpose, i.e.  This account inbox will receive all automated responses from recipient mail servers targeted by a marketing campaign, all messages in the inbox will be deleted by after processing.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not use a personal email account for Bounce handling.  All emails in the Bounce handling account will be deleted after processing by 

For more Bounce mail information click here.


Q. My user has Custom Outbound Email settings enabled.  If I send an email campaign will it use my custom outbound SMTP account of the Global outbound email account set by the administrator?

A. Email marketing campaigns and Auto-responders will always use the Global SMTP account specified in the Outbound Email SMTP settings by your administrator.  Only personal emails send from within by your user will be sent using the Custom Outbound Email settings you entered.

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