Campaigns are a very effective marketing tool. They are a way to send an email blast out to a list of your choosing, be it clients, prospects or all contacts in This article explains how to design and create a new campaign so that it communicates exactly what you want it to in the way you want it to. The article also considers how you can pause and resume campaigns, and where to go to find results on how effective a particular campaign has been.
IMPORTANT - Campaigns are sent to groups from the Marketing List. If the group you wish to send your new campaign group does not currently exist then the first thing you need to do is to add it to the marketing list. Once this is done you're ready to get started.
- Create a new Campaign
- Edit a Campaign
- Campaign State: Pause or Restart Campaign
- Campaign Results
- Creating a Retargeting Campaign
Create a new Campaign
To create a new Campaign, click into the Marketing module, then click on the Campaigns button.
When you have existing campaigns they will be shown on this page. To create a new campaign for the first time click on the 'Create Campaign' button underneath the quote.
The Campaign editor will open with a number of fields for you to complete to ensure that the campaign runs exactly the way you want it to.
Firstly, enter a name for your Campaign.
Then choose who the campaign is going to target by selecting groups from the marketing list.
Next, type in the default name that you want to appear as the sender of the campaign. If the sender's name has been established in the Marketing List then it will auto populate in this field, and can then be edited or over-written if you wish. If the name does not populate then simply type in whom you wish the emails to be sent from.
Next enter the default email address for the campaign sender. Just as above, with the name of the sender, if populated in the Marketing List the email address will auto populate in this field for the campaign. The entry can be edited or over-written. If it does not populate, enter the email address manually.
Choose the date and time you would like you campaign emails to begin sending out.
Enter the subject line of the email. If you are going to use a template for your campaign then leave this section blank. When you choose the template (below) the Subject will be automatically populated.
If you want to track when recipients open an email or click any links within the email then check the 'Email Tracking' box.
If you want to send emails in both HTML and text format check the 'Support HTML' box. Uncheck it to only send a text format email.
Ensure consistency for your campaign by selecting an email template.
You can also add any attachments that you wish to send out with your campaign by clicking on the 'Add Files' button.
If you select to use an existing template, the Text content and/or HTML content will pre-populate. If you are not using an existing template though, you can create the email content. For the body of the email, you can enter Text only and/or HTML.
To enter Text only content, click on the Text Content tab and type in the text.
Click on the HTML Content tab to create an HTML email. You can type directly into the box and customize the look and feel using the available buttons, or you can copy existing HTML code using the </> button to view and edit the HTML code of the body.
Use Merge Tags in the body of your email to send a more personalized email. A merge tag pulls dynamic information from the CRM into the email. Add a field from the CRM into the template by using the Field Name (not the display name) of the email within brackets. Check out the merge tag guide with merge tags examples for all out of the box fields.
Note: the footer set by the administrator in the Global Settings will be appended to the end of your email.
Rights and Permissions
On the right hand side of the 'create a new campaign' box you can select who the owner of the campaign is and who has the permission to read and edit the campaign.
When you are happy with the settings for your campaign you can either click the Save and Schedule button or Send Test Email.
Send a Test Email first!
We strongly recommend sending a test email of your campaign before sending to the full list to make sure that the formatting, merge tags and the general look and feel of your email are exactly what you were expecting, if not better!
If you choose to send test email then clicking on the 'Send Test Email' button will give you the option to select either a contact/lead or a specific email address.
Type in a custom email and press send.
Edit a Campaign
If you're not happy with the way your campaign looks then you can edit it before it has started.
Important: If a campaign has started you can only edit its name, rights and permissions.
To edit a campaign, head to the Marketing module and click on 'Campaigns'. Find and click on the campaign that you wish to edit.
Hover over the options button and click on 'Edit'.
Campaign State: Pause or Restart Campaign
Once campaigns are up and running they can be paused at any moment. Similarly, when you want to kick them back in to action simply restart them.
You can see the current status of all of your campaigns in by heading to the Campaigns section of the Marketing module. Click on the name of a specific campaign for a detailed view.
Check if a campaign is currently sending out emails by the 'Running' box in the top right hand corner.
To pause the campaign click on the greyed out 'Paused' button. This will turn the button into a burgundy red and pause the campaign. A notification will pop up to confirm that the campaign status has been changed.
The status of the campaign changes in the list view to reflect that it is now 'Paused' and no longer 'Sending'.
To resume sending your campaign you can do so at any time. Kick it back into action by clicking on the desired campaign in the list view.
This time, click on the greyed out 'Running' button.
The button will change to an emerald green and your campaign will be back up and running. A notification will pop up to confirm that the campaign status has been changed.
Campaign Results
For an insight into how your campaign is doing simply head to the Campaign detail view. Campaign results are broken down into three categories.
1. Overall Campaign Performance
Displays the Unique Click Through Rates (CTR) - the number of recipients who click on one or more links in the email- and Unique Open Rates - the number of recipients who have opened your campaign email.
2. Emails in this Campaign
This gives a breakdown of the number of emails sent to recipients in the list: Queued, Sent, Open, Clicked, Bounced, Unsubscribed.
3. Email Recipients
Displays the recipients of the email campaign and the current status of the email. It also shows any actions that have been taken or events that have ocurred: Opened, Clicked, Bounced.
Creating a Retargeting Campaign
The retarget option allows you to target segments of your audience again based on their interaction with your completed campaign. So now you can build a new list comprising of all individuals that viewed or clicked your campaign and send them a follow up message. Conversely you may want to retarget those who didn't open your email with another email carrying a similar message.
How does it work?
Lets use the example that our completed campaign was opened by 35% of the recipients and 9% clicked links to our landing page. Here we will use Retargeting to create a unique marketing list containing only the 91% of recipients that did not click through:
- Once campaign is Completed, choose the Retarget option on the upper right corner on Email Recipients portlet to get started.
- Add to Existing Marketing list: Choose an existing marketing list that our retargeting segment recipients will be added to.
- Retarget Opened Email Recipients: Check to include all recipients that Opened your email
- Retarget Clicked Email Recipients: Check to include all recipients that Opened your email
- Retarget Non Viewed Email Recipients: Check to include all recipients that did not open your email
- Retarget Non Clicked Email Recipients: Check to include all recipients that did not click your email
In our example we have chosen our marketing list "retarget list" and checked the Retarget Not Viewed Email Recipients and Retarget Not Clicked Email Recipients options that will give us the 91% of the original recipients, efectively we are only excluding those that did click the email.
Once you click Retarget the selected list will load and your subscribers added.
Q. Can't see Retarget option on my campaign?
A. The Campaign must be "completed" in order to use the retarget option, you can check it status at the top next to the campaign name.
If is not completed you may force it to complete in by manually running the Mark campaigns completed job in the Job Manager. Administration -> Job Manager -> Mark campaigns as completed.