
Roles enable you to set up an organization-wide hierarchy. Users at a higher hierarchy are able access the records of lower hierarchy users. This ensures that managers can view and edit the same records as their employees. A user can only belong to one role.

Keep in mind that users may be restricted from viewing certain modules or records as set by the Permissions and Rights in Group Security.

In this example, we have five Roles. Let’s imagine all the users belong to one group with the Module Permissions of the group all set to ‘Not Set - Ad-hoc / Owner’:


Executive: The two Executive users can view/edit their own individual records, as well as all records of the Manger East, Associate, Manager West, and Assistant users.

Manager – East: Both Manager East users can view/edit their own records, as well as the Associate user records.

Manager – West: The Manager West user can view/edit his own records, as well as the Assistant user records.

Associate: Both Associate users can only view/edit their individual records only.

Assistant: The Assistant user can only view/edit their own records.


To create a new role:

  1. Go to Administration-->Roles.
  2. From the Roles menu, select Create Role.
  3. Enter the Role name, populate a Parent role (if applicable) and click Save.

To add a user to a role:

  1. Go to Users.
  2. Click on the User you wish to add and click Edit.
  3. Populate the Role field and click Save.

To view a list of users who belong to a role:

  1. Go to Roles.
  2. Click on the number in the Users column.
  3. A popup window will appear with the list of the users who belong to the role.

To delete a role:

  1. Go to Roles.
  2. Click the Configure button for the role you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
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