Admin - Game Rewards

Set up Game Rewards as a way of rewarding an individual's usage of the system. Game rewards are based on coins.

You can configure game rewards from the admin area under Administration --> Game Rewards


Click the Create button to create a new reward:


  • Name: Name of the reward as it will appear to users.
  • Cost in Coins: The number of coins needed to redeem this reward.
  • Quantity Available: The number of rewards available for redemption. When the number of rewards has been redeemed, it will no longer be available for redemption.
  • Expiration Date Time: This reward is available for redemption until the date specified. After this date, it will no longer appear in the list for users to redeem.
  • Description: Enter a description of the reward.
  • Rights and Permission: Only the owner and users in the group specified will see the reward available for redemption.

Click Save to create the reward.

When a user redeems a reward, the reward owner will receive a notification email. You can also view redemption by clicking into the detail view of a game reward. You will see the name of the user who redeemed the reward, as well as the date the reward was redeemed.


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