Starring Leads and Contacts

How do we ensure that our leads are getting the TLC that they need to develop into opportunities? And that our important contacts are getting the all-star treatment they require? Simple. Make them super stars.

By starring leads you can really keep a track of those with the greatest potential, and by starring contacts you can make sure that clients that require special attention are receiving it. 

Starring a lead

How to star a lead

To star a current lead, click on the 'Leads' option on the left hand side of your dashboard.

Find the lead you wish to star and click on the icon to the left hand side of their name.

Once selected, the star becomes yellow.

To star a new lead, create a lead as you normally would by entering in all of the information available in the 'Create Lead' box and click save. Then find your new lead in the list view as above and click the star next to their name.

Where to find your starred leads

You can search for all of your starred leads quickly and easily by clicking on the star next to the ‘Name’ search option in the list view. When the star option is selected it will be highlighted yellow. 


Starring a contact

How to star a contact

Starring a contact follows the same process as starring a lead. Select 'contacts' from the menu on the left hand side of your dashboard. In the list view, find the contact you wish to star and click to the left hand side of their name.

Where to find your starred contacts

Just as with leads, starred contacts can be found by selecting the star search option in the list view.  


Now that you have all of your super stars in one view you can really keep your eye on each one, taking care to go through record by record to read up on notes and check their latest activities.


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