Create a meeting

Meetings are a critical tool to make sure that your team is all on the same page. Through the 'My Upcoming Meetings Portlet' on your dashboard you can keep an eye on all upcoming meetings and make sure that you are fully prepared for each one.

To create a new meeting from the portlet head to the top right hand corner and click on 'Create Meeting'.

Alternatively, you can click on the date you would like to host the meeting and if there is nothing currently schedule click on the 'Create Meeting' button.

Either way, you'll be taken through to the Create Meeting screen. Here you can complete all fields with details about your meeting.

Alongside basic information, meetings can be linked to Accounts and Opportunities by selecting from the drop down menu.

Importantly, the 'Attendees' section allows you to invite others to the meeting by typing in names or email addresses in the field. 

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