Latest Activities Portlet

The Latest activities portlet contains a chronological thread of past activities that have taken place against records in  If you are looking at an account record for example you can see completed tasks, meetings, notes, conversations or emails associated with the account with the most recent events at the top.

By default, the Latest Activity portlet can be found in the Detail view of a record below the Notes portlet.

Mine or Everyone

You can easily cycle between activities from your User or Everyone with activity on a record.


Expand the Filters option to additional filter the activity thread to only see events of a certain type.

Roll up for a 360 View

To see activities from associated records use the Roll Up feature. While using Roll Up you can for example, view the most recent emails sent to a Contact while still on the Account's Detail view. 

Activity types

Lets quickly explore the different events that you can expect to see in the Latest activities portlet.


Conversations, the social concept which allows co-workers to communicate and create a dialog about Account, Leads, Contacts and/or Opportunities. Begin a conversation from within the Latest Activities portlet by using the Create dropdown menu. 


Emails that have been archived to the crm or send from either personally to contacts or via a email blast or workflow.

Remember, if you are viewing an Account or Opportunity switch on Roll up to see emails linked to associated contacts.


View all past Meetings for a Contact or Lead in Upcoming Meetings can been seen in the "Upcoming Meetings Calendar" porlet.


View all Notes linked to a record in


View all completed Tasks for a Contact or Lead in Open Tasks can be seen in the "Open Tasks" porlet.

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