We're excited to announce the release of CRM.me 3.2.6! In this article, we're going to group new features and improvements since the 3.2.0 release.
The release 3.2.0 brought the full compatibility with PHP 7.0. As you all know PHP 7 brings significant performance and security improvements. As well as the possibility to use the latest available technologies for other components in the web server's stack.
New Features
Added ability to select the sort attribute on dashboards portlets
New Project Details view page, along with the standard Kanban board view:
The old MySQL PHP extension was removed and replaced by MySQLi extension.
We've replaced Memcache extension with Memcached for PHP7 compatibility.
To improve speed, we added database indexes to securableitem and ownedsecurableitem tables.
Added more fields to the Dashboard's Starred reports portlet.
Made multi accounts/contacts/opportunities fields hyperlinked.
Made available in Designer global search list views. For modules Accounts / Contacts / Leads / Opportunities / Projects.
Improved Tags Cloud field auto complete search.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the sorting order for Autoresponders.
Opportunities star search breaks standard search after it is used. Fixed.
Fixed bug related to progress bar during import.
Fixed Product Modal portlet view.
Fixed Google Maps API.
Added horizontal scroll for list views.