REST API code is flexible, and it allows you to write API methods for custom models that should be accessible via API.
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But this case is a bit specific, because you will need to develop a custom controller that will manage those requests. If you want to perform API actions on “SampleModel”, you need to create SampleModelApiController.php with the following code:
class ApiSampleModelApiController extends ZurmoModuleApiController { public function actionCustomGet() { $params = Yii::app()->apiHelper->getRequestParams(); if (!isset($params['id'])) { $message = Yii::t('Default', 'The id specified was invalid.'); throw new ApiException($message); } $result = $this->processRead((int)$params['id']); Yii::app()->apiHelper->sendResponse($result); } public function actionCustomList() { $params = Yii::app()->apiHelper->getRequestParams(); $result = $this->processList($params); Yii::app()->apiHelper->sendResponse($result); } public function actionCustomPost() { $params = Yii::app()->apiHelper->getRequestParams(); if (!isset($params['data'])) { $message = Yii::t('Default', 'Please provide data.'); throw new ApiException($message); } $result = $this->processCreate($params['data']); Yii::app()->apiHelper->sendResponse($result); } public function actionCustomUpdate() { $params = Yii::app()->apiHelper->getRequestParams(); if (!isset($params['id'])) { $message = Yii::t('Default', 'The id specified was invalid.'); throw new ApiException($message); } $result = $this->processUpdate((int)$params['id'], $params['data']); Yii::app()->apiHelper->sendResponse($result); } public function actionCustomDelete() { $params = Yii::app()->apiHelper->getRequestParams(); if (!isset($params['id'])) { $message = Yii::t('Default', 'The id specified was invalid.'); throw new ApiException($message); } $result = $this->processDelete((int)$params['id']); Yii::app()->apiHelper->sendResponse($result); } protected function getModelName() { return 'SampleModel'; } protected function getSearchFormClassName() { return 'SampleModelSearchForm'; } } ?>
You then need to create a search form for this model (if it does not already exist), and in the simplest case, SampleModelSearchForm can just extend SearchForm:
class ApiTestModelItem2SearchForm extends SearchForm { } ?>
Get Custom Model
$authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $id = 1; // Change this with value of model id $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/customGet/?id=' . $id, 'GET', $headers); // Decode json data $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $model = $response['data']; //Do something with model } else { // Error, for example if we provided invalid model id $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors }
Delete Custom Model
$authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $id = 1; // Change this with value of model id $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/customGet/?id=' . $id, 'GET', $headers); // Decode json data $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $model = $response['data']; //Do something with model } else { // Error, for example if we provided invalid model id $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors }
Create New Custom Model
$authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); // Add below elements depending on custom model $data = Array ( 'name' => 'Some name', ); $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/customPost/', 'POST', $headers, array('data' => $data)); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $account = $response['data']; //Do something with model data } else { // Error $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors, show them to user }
Update Existing Custom Model
$id = 1; // Change this value to model id that you want to change $authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); // Change note description $data['name'] = "Updated model name"; $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/customUpdate/?id=' . $id, 'PUT', $headers, array('data' => $data)); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $account = $response['data']; //Do something with model data } else { // Error, for example if we provided invalid model id $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors }
List Custom Models
$authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/customList/', 'GET', $headers); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { // Do something with results if ($response['data']['totalCount'] > 0) { foreach ($response['data']['items'] as $item) { // Print models } } else { // There are no models } } else { $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors }
Finally, you will need to add a route into the perInstance.php file (replace ‘module_name’ with the name of the module that the API controller and model belong to):
$instanceConfig['components']['urlManager']['rules'] = array(
array('module_name/<model>Api/<action>', 'pattern' => 'module_name/<model:\w+>/api/<action>/*'),
List Attributes Of Custom Models
Replace %sessionId% and %token% with ‘sessionId’ and ‘token’ variables returned by authentication process.
- Description: List attributes of custom model.
- URL structure: http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/listAttributes
- Method: GET
- HTTP header parameters:
Accept: application/json
ZURMO_TOKEN: %token% - Parameters: None
- PHP sample:
$authenticationData = login('super','super'); //Add code to check if user is logged successfully $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'ZURMO_SESSION_ID: ' . $authenticationData['sessionId'], 'ZURMO_TOKEN: ' . $authenticationData['token'], 'ZURMO_API_REQUEST_TYPE: REST', ); $response = ApiRestHelper::createApiCall('http://crmme_url/index.php/api/sampleModel/api/listAttributes', 'GET', $headers); // Decode json data $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { $sampleModelAttributesAttributes = $response['data']; //Do something with attributes } else { // Error $errors = $response['errors']; // Do something with errors }
- Return:
Data contains custom model attributes info.
"createdDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:58",
"modifiedDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:58",
"latestDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:58",
"completedDateTime":"2012-05-08 13:39:58",
"description":"my test description",
"dueDateTime":"2012-05-08 13:56:38",
"name":"First Task"
"createdDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:59",
"modifiedDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:59",
"latestDateTime":"2012-05-08 11:09:59",
"completedDateTime":"2012-05-08 13:39:59",
"description":"my test description",
"dueDateTime":"2012-05-08 13:56:39",
"name":"Fifth Task"